Sunday, September 28, 2014

Dr. Smirnova's Artifacts

Week 5: September 22nd-September 26th

Artifact Review By: Meaghan Brenna Foley

I always love the opportunity to learn about a new cultures! I was intrigued by the many artifacts which belong to my Education professor, Dr. Smirnova. This week, Dr. Smirnova modeled the artifact bag project by bringing in some of her own personal items. My group members and I received 3 of Dr. Smirnova's items to observe, research, and reflect upon in a historical perspective.

ITEM #1:

  • The first artifact presented to my group was a picture of Dr. Smirnova as a young woman. We assumed it was in an outdoor setting due to the trees and other foliage; however, we were unsure of exactly what was happening in the picture. Dr. Smirnova filled us in on the details about the picture. She was a student who also worked as a camp counselor in Russia in 1974. The 3 men around her were camp leaders. I found this picture to be very interesting and enjoyed learning something new about Dr. Smirnova.

ITEM #2:

  • The second artifact given to my group was some kind of document. I assumed it was a certificate, or diploma. My partner, Nick, researched the Russian alphabet and found the letter "d" for diploma, which matched the cover of this document. Once we confirmed this with Dr. Smirnova, my prediction was made accurate. This is Dr. Smirnova's doctorates degree from Russia! I am fascinated by the different languages and symbols used on the diploma. It would be wonderful if I knew how to translate Russian words to English words. One day I will learn! I can do this! :) 

ITEM #3:

  • The third, and final, artifact presented to my group was a type of porcelain dish. After some research, my group members and I found out that this is a special Russian craft, called a Gzhel. I love the beautiful details embedded within this dish. They are so intricate and colorful! :) Also, this craft could be used for a number of different reasons (i.e., tea bags, candy, etc…). 

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