Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Mount Saint Mary College 2014 Read-a-thon

As a Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society initiate, it is required of me to participate in multiple events that promote literacy and learning. On Saturday, October 18th, I volunteered at Mount Saint Mary College during their 2014 Read-a-thon from 12 to 4 p.m. This event was an absolute success! :) The children had such a wonderful time with their college buddies and were so eager to read more books. The "Tree of Leaves" motivated the children to read as many books as they possibly could! Even us college students got in on the fun and a paper campfire was created! :D The children and college students were given marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers for snack. We all had a good time with the children at this reading event! I gained a tremendous amount of teaching experience that I will absolutely use with my future students. Below are some of the pictures I took at the event. Enjoy! :)

The Campfire!--Created by the Mount Saint Mary College Men's Lacrosse Team

Books presented to the students and college buddies for independent reading.

The goal was originally to read 100 books…that goal was surpassed by about 159 books! Combined we all read 259 books!

This was one of my favorite books about a boy who had a bad hair day! ;)
Tents were set up around the room for independent reading! 


This book was so inspiring! It is definitely another one of my favorites about a man and his best friend! 

Campfire Snacks! :D

This books sends the positive message of diversity! I loved it and related to it very much on a personal level! <3 :)

The "Tree of Leaves"

This was such a wonderful and exciting project that motivated everyone to want to read more and more books! As a future elementary school teacher, I plan on doing something like this in my classroom. I think that the young students really enjoyed this! So did I! :) lol 

At the end of the day, the students participated in a raffle and won cool prizes! :) I loved this! In my opinion, positive reinforcement and rewards accelerate a student's love for learning!

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