Thursday, October 30, 2014

Teacher Panel - October 29, 2014

Teacher Panel

Mount Saint Mary College

Villa Library

October 29, 2014

7 p.m.


  • My name is Meaghan Brenna Foley. I am a Junior at Mount Saint Mary College. I'm also currently an initiate of the International Honor Society in Education, Kappa Delta Pi. This past Wednesday evening, I attended an event called the Teacher Panel at the Villa Library. Approximately 11 teachers were present at this event! :) All of the teachers shared quite a bit of information based on their personal experiences, which I found to be very interesting. Their vast knowledge has definitely made an impact on my journey to become an elementary school educator. In this blog post, I will discuss the words of wisdom shared by the teachers at the teacher panel event.

The Continuous Journey to Becoming a Successful Teacher

 Always encourage your students to ask for help!

Be an inspiration to your students and let them know that you think highly of them! :)

Create a comfortable atmosphere in your classroom that promotes equality amongst the students and teacher(s).

Always remind your students to try their best! It's ok to make mistakes! We are all human! :)

Always be honest with your students! 

Teach your students that it's ok to be unique! :)

Create a list of classroom rules and share them to your students at the beginning of the new school year.

Always motivate your students to be the best versions of themselves and never give up!

Keep in mind the 4 B's (Additional Classroom Rules). I remember one of the teachers on the panel mentioning that this poster is very significant and can be useful in the classroom. 

Make everyday a fresh start! :)

Always be prepared to adjust and modify your teaching plans!

Use different strategies to control classroom behavior.

Support and provide guidance to students, especially those who  are ELL's (English Language Learners).

Seek out support and guidance from a mentor (teacher).

Managing IEP's should be of the utmost importance.

Be your students' #1 cheerleader/support system.

Remember to always take care of yourself! One day at a time!

  • These were just some of the topics that really stuck with me after attending the teacher panel. I appreciate all of the support, guidance, and advice shared by the teachers at this event. They are true examples of exemplary teachers who deeply care about their students and the future generation of teachers! :)


  1. I really like the tips for managing IEPs, that will definitely be useful in the future.

  2. Meaghan,

    I really like the tips for managing IEPs, that will definitely be useful in the future. Do you think that you have a link to any presenters that came that day? Is there a calendar event where I can find out about more activities like this?
