Thursday, December 11, 2014

Final Blog Post

"My Infinite Journey to Learning"

Final Blog Post Reflection By: Meaghan Brenna Foley

December 11, 2014

          My learning experience in ED 3120 has definitely been a challenging one, that's for sure! However, I am so grateful for those experiences that always kept me thinking. Dr. Smirnova has taught me that there is a vast amount of technological resources that one can utilize in the classroom. This course was mainly technology-based; therefore, I learned to adapt to that type of learning style. It was strange at first, but now I think it somewhat reliable. After completing this course, I can honestly say that I love to blog! Blogging is all about personal expression and opinion. It has helped me reflect upon my course assignments, experiences, and blogs created by my peers. 

          There are many learning outcomes that have resulted from the numerous projects, blog posts, and fieldwork lesson plans/reflections. For starters, I have become a more proficient writer. I have also learned to stay on task and not falling behind on assignments. My busy workload has taught me be consistent and space out my work. I have also come to the realization that quality is way more important than quantity. It doesn't matter how long an assignment is…it's the content that truly matters. I am different today than i was in the beginning of the semester because I have a newfound knowledge base of SS methods material. For example, I can easily identify the 5 PIGS elements of cooperative learning (i.e., Positive Interdependence, Individual Accountability, Group Processing, Social Skills, and Face-to-Face Interaction). I am also now more aware of the technological resources that are available for both classroom and personal use. 

          My plans for teaching social studies include incorporating the 5 elements of powerful teaching and learning. I will only teach necessary content in a meaningful manner. I will integrate technology into my lessons. Each of my lesson plans and activities will be value-based. I will motivate my students to become active learners. Lastly, I will always challenge my students to reach their best potential! In the future, I would like to create a hybrid direct instruction and collaborative-based social studies classroom. I think students learn about historical facts mainly through basic introduction, repetition, and memorization. However, I also believe social studies learning should support the idea of cooperative learning. Cooperative learning projects will provide the students will a well-rounded learning experience. Students offer a differing of opinions. Therefore, I stress the incorporation of CL projects (i.e., artifact bags) in a social studies classroom. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for me! I am confident that only the best is yet to come!

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